Download Your Free Retirement Checklist

Your Free Retirement Checkup

A 15-minute, 3-step process to help you evaluate your current chances of a successful retirement and determine changes you can make to increase those chances.

Are you on track for retirement?

Find out, risk free, in 3 simple steps

This quick phone call with Anna, our new client coordinator,  helps to make sure your situation matches our expertise. In this conversation, we'll also match you with one of our financial advisors and schedule your 15-minute Checkup.

During this 15-minute call, either via video or phone, a GenWealth Advisor will walk you through your current retirement situation, your probability of a successful retirement, and recommendations that could improve your probability of success. 

After your check-up call, you will be presented with recommendations on how to improve your probability of a successful retirement. If you desire to implement those changes, a no-cost strategy session with a GenWealth Advisor can be scheduled.

Information You'll Need For Your Checkup

It’s helpful to have this information readily available for the intro phone call

Current annual income

Current total retirement assets

401K, Pension, etc. 

Percentage of total assets in stocks

About Us

From a handful of clients in 2005 to one of the largest independent financial firms in the south, GenWealth has grown because our clients have come to appreciate our simple, personal, straightforward approach. Over the years, our team has grown from 3 to over 30 members located in 6 cities across the region.

We believe that your financial plan should be a living, breathing, and evolving series of decisions customized for you and your family that takes what you’ve earned, accumulated, and saved—no matter what that is—and turns it into a system of income for you to continue to live on for years to come.

Economic Outlook 2024

A Path through the forest

In unstable financial terrain, John and Scott are bringing clarity about market trends for 2024 and more importantly what it means to you! 

Join us for this exclusive GenWealth Academy webinar